Published Works

Besides writing articles on here and here, I also publish for magazines, newspapers, proceedings, and conferences both in Indonesia and in English:

Here are some of them.

"The Challenges and Opportunities of Online Learning in Islamic Institutions (Dayah): A Study Case in Aceh Province." accepted to present in Indonesia Focus Conference in Indiana University, Bloomington October 2019.

2. "
Encouraging Awareness and Empathy for Diversity through Experiential, Practiced Simulations" was accepted to present at the Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education in Las Vegas, Nevada, March 18-22, 2019.

3. "
Preserving Culture in Modern World, Should we?" published in the International Institute of Education (IIE) Newsletter, April 2019.

4. "How to Get Scholarship Abroad" published in Syiah Kuala University Magazine, 2018.

 and many more.

Please kindly find these 

For further information click here

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