Sabtu, 02 Februari 2019

Design a Flyer is easy! Fake or Reality? :"Instructional Design Reflection for Week Two"

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Creative Design

If I challenge you to create a flyer, infographic, HyperDoc, or other designer tools, you may answer

"Ah, sorry I don't have time,"

"Uh, my computer does not support to install these apps,"

"I am not experts on it,"

" I would love too, but it is too complicated for a beginner like me." bla bla bla.

Indeed, I felt what you felt. Those also happened to me when the first time people talk about design. Unfortunately, it does not happen at all. The design is easy as easy as you pick food and put it in your mouth.

"Unbelievable, it should be fake news!"

Last week, I had a project in Teaching Learning and Technology (TLT) 460 at Lehigh University. The project requires me to create an instructional object. Then, I chose to create a flyer to share my quote as the Reading Ambassador also the aim is to support the Department of Library and Archives in welcoming the selection of Reading Ambassador this coming month.

I played with Canva. It is pretty easy to add text, small elements, etc. You don't need to install it on your own computer but only sing up either with your email or Facebook account. Then, you will be able to dive in. That is.

Canva also provides too many templates. So, it will not be consuming our time as a designer.

This is how home page Canva looks like.

This is my work.

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