Minggu, 14 April 2019

The Learning Environment: The way to engage student in teaching and learning process

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Credit picture to developer.ibm.com
This week task reminded me to of one questions asked by my friend. The question is  "is there any difference learning in America and Indonesia?"

He is currently facing the Fulbright scholarship interview session so that the information related to the learning environment in the US and Indonesia will significant important.

My answer at the time is that there a bunch of difference between learning in America and learning in Indonesia. Explicitly, in terms of designing an online course.

In America, the online course is something that really familiar to any ages, groups, and spaces. The lectures are able to design the course thoughtfully. Such as the course design is colorful, the module is easy to navigate, and most importantly, in one platform, the lecture is combining with many elements including pictures, videos, flyers, and others which is it is really engaging.

However, in recent years ago when I was in Indonesia, I looked at the course designed by my lectures it did not meaningfully mean they did not put the attention the ID model, ADA complaints, and did not realize who is their audiences.

Mostly, Indonesian lectures are not familiar with designing online learning. I think is it because they lack interest in the online course, lack of knowledge in the ID model, and they are trying to put and structure the course like they did in the last decade which is don't meet the recent needed.

Otherwise, I would like to say by applying for the design thinking stages number that is the Empathy and follow the one of the ID MODEL it will help a designer to design a course thoughtfully. As a result, the student will absolutely be engaged in teaching and learning activities. 

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