My journey as an instructional designer is just started. This semester, I am highly interested in exploring the System's Planning strategy or more familiar as Instructional Systems Design (ISD) due to this model is not only required the instructional designer to have the experience but also how to put the theory in practical works. It seems really interesting to me.
According to the Training Industry (2019) stated that Instructional Systems Design involves a systematic process for the assessment and development of training solutions, designed specifically for the purpose of formal training delivery (para. 1).
ISD has five stages as follow:
1. Analysis. During this phase, an instructional designer will work very closely with the subject experts with aims to identify the target audience specifically the background knowledge, skills, etc so learning will become more meaningfully.
2. Design is the second steps in ISD. Here, an instructional systems designer and subject matter expert will create a draft design plan (i.e., draft preliminary lesson plan).
3. Development phase, During the development phase, an instructional systems designer works closely with subject matter experts to create draft course materials. The purpose of this phase is to generate plans and lesson materials including considering all of the media that will be used in the instruction, and any supporting documentation. This may include hardware or software as properties.
4. Implementation. The purpose of this phase is the effective and efficient delivery of instruction. This phase must promote the students' understanding of material, support the students' mastery of objectives, and ensure the students' transfer of knowledge from the instructional setting to the job.
5. Evaluation. This phase measures the effectiveness and efficiency of the instruction. Evaluation should actually occur throughout the entire instructional design process - within phases, between phases, and after implementation.
*editing from any source
1. US Department of Transportation Federal Highway of Administration.
2. McGriff, S. 2000. Instructional Systems. Penn State University.
3. Training Industry. 2019. Instructional System Design. Retrieved from

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