According to, the term demonstration of learning refers to a wide variety of potential educational projects, presentations, or products through which students “demonstrate” what they have learned, usually as a way of determining whether and to what degree they have achieved expected learning standards or learning objectives for a course or learning experience.
In teaching and learning activities, ensuring student understand the subject meaningfully is crucial. Therefore, the instructor could find and apply many methods and strategies to achieve it.
In my professional journey, I would apply three different ways to demonstrate either my students understand the concept or not. First, I would ask them to create a project and demo their work in front of other students. Then, I would also give them some questions. Lastly, to evaluate their affective skills, I would measure by seeing their attitudes such as the way they speak, act, and complete other related projects/works.
Here, my project-based learning, simulation-based learning, and Hands-On experiential would be helpful for them. So, my students will not only understand the concept meaningfully but also it will give them a chance to apply the concept in real life.
For my future project, I was thinking to create a new project aims to identify the understanding of students about climate change and how it affects the economy and social interactions. At first, students will create a broadcast either it a narrative explanation, simulation, or video. Then, they will explain how it affects the economy and society in general.

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