"Salah satu tantangan terbesar pendidik saat ini adalah tidak mampu menyeimbangkan kebutuhan peserta didik sehingga menyebabkan terjadi kekosongan atau gap antara pendidik dan peserta didik serta tidak terpenuhinya apa yang sebenarnya dibutuhkan oleh peserta didik".
What is your first reaction when you read the statement?
Confuse? Yes!
Do you understand what is that? No!
For the native speakers, they would probably say "YES, I DONT UNDERSTAND since it is not my language, the sentence is not focusing for English speaker. It is for Indonesian".
That is what people think when we build something without thinking who are the audiences. We, as educators, designers, social workers, mostly focus on to deliver what we know to listeners. Never put attention to ask ourselves is it something they need, is it something they want to know, is it something that important for them to be expert on it?
As a person who involved in social activities projects, I observed that many sponsors or donors did the same thing multiple times. They were from multinational companies, then came to a small and remote area in developing countries then apply some activities that they planned and developed in their home places. As a result, society felt like the activities didn't solve the main problems.
I had been learned from these experiences, and therefore, for my large project in this class, I would like to use Instructional System Design. I have started by analyzing the audience's background, which are my colleagues at FBA offices, then moved to some instructional objectives.
Hence, my biggest problem is that they are some new staff at FBA, which I never met before. So, I do need to learn about their backgrounds. Once it has done, I could be moved to the next step that is the development

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